Open air burning of brush and forestry debris will be allowed in the Town of Bridgewater from January 15th to May 1st under the following conditions:
- With the permission of the Bridgewater Fire Department
- Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- When the air is circulating well but winds are light
- Not less than 75 feet away from any dwellings
- On your own property and as close as possible to the source of materials(s) to be burned
- Small piles, no leaves, monitor fire, and extinguish by 4 p.m.
- No unattended fires
- Do not be a nuisance to neighbors
Burning will only be allowed during periods of good atmospheric ventilation, without causing a nuisance to neighbors; burning of brush and trees from commercial land clearing operations is prohibited. Burning of leaves, grass, hay, stumps, tree limbs larger than 4” diameter, building debris and tires is prohibited. No fires will be left unattended. Keep a hose in close proximity to fire.
Call Bridgewater Fire Department daily at (508) 697-0900 to see if open air burning is allowed that day.