A partnership between the Bridgewater Fire Department and the Bridgewater Office of Elder Affairs designed to keep you safe and to keep your home the sanctuary you expect it to be.
We bring the safety messages to you by providing a free, confidential safety visit in your home. We come by invitation only. Together, we will review the measures you have in place, and discuss additional measures we can put in place to further prevent injury. This is a non regulatory program, and is not an inspection. Our goal is to keep you safe in your home.
Schedule your free, confidential home safety visit by calling:
Bridgewater Fire Department
(508) 697-0953
Safety Topics included in the home visit include:
- Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detector checks and battery change
- Kitchen and cooking safety
- Electrical hazards
- Heating units and combustibles
- Bathroom safety
- Trip and fall hazards
- Proper lighting
- Review of available services: Meals on Wheels, File of Life, AmbuPro pre-registration
- Health and Well-Being Checks: blood pressure check, review of medication regimen
Sponsored by Bridgewater State University, FM Global, and Senior SAFE.